Diablo 4 Season 2 Offers Targeted Farming for Unique and Uber Unique Items

RockPaperShotgun: Tonight, Blizzard has announced that Diablo 4’s second season, ‘Season Of Blood’, will begin on October 17th and bring with it quality-of-life changes such as the ability to target specific Unique and Uber Unique items as a drop

Activision Blizzard has announced the second season of Diablo 4, titled “Season Of Blood”, will begin on October 17th. Alongside the new season, players can expect quality-of-life changes, such as gems no longer taking up inventory space, the ability to search and filter the Stash, and the ability to target specific Unique and Uber Unique items as a drop. The season will also bring a new questline, new Vampiric Powers, five new endgame bosses, and Renown rewards. Despite the exciting new changes, some players are still uncertain if they will return to the game, as the current season is still lacking in long-term draw.






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